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Description :

IISSS "E. Pantaleo ”is an important presence on the territory of Torre del Greco.
Established in 1953, it presents itself as a depository of traditions but, over time, it has been able to observe the rapid changes in society, improving its educational offer, always adapting it to the reality of the territory in which it operates.
Organized in two complexes, via Cimaglia and via De Gasperi, the school offers a plethora of addresses: Economic Sector - Finance and Marketing Administration, Technology Sector - Construction Environment and Territory, Technology Sector - Computer Scienceand Telecommunications, Technology Sector - Materials Chemistry and Biotechnology and Sector "Services for Food and Wine and Hospitality".
It has about 1130 learners and 158 teachers There are about 10 key people interested in this project
As regards the level of education, the institute proposes an educational offer that aims to develop basic and European key skills for the achievement of training and university studies, as well as the technical and professional skills necessary for highly qualified insertion in the world of work and professions.
It "promotes educational innovation and educational success and identifies as principles of its identity a conception of knowledge as an organic set of critical tools for understanding the world and the awareness of the primary function of scientific, technological and professional knowledge in contemporary reality.
The strategic choices "aim at the enhancement of linguistic training and intercultural education, at an idea of training as a progressive acquisition of autonomy and responsibility in relationships with others and with oneself and as a promotion of a full development of civil and democratic consciousness, to the integration between the world of school and society, institutions, the world of work.
The programs currently carried out concern FSE PON projects in relation to the PNSD, the School-Work Alternation, Citizenship and Constitution and the enhancement of excellence. Furthermore, It” develops didactic-educational projects aimed at the inclusion, the recovery of basic skills and the enhancement of excellence, projects aimed at the Simulated Training Company on the platform, projects with private social, associations of reference and volunteer , projects launched by universities and MIUR, projects related to the improvement of professional resources, networked projects with other institutes, courses and conferences on current affairs, simulated processes, reading of newspapers and meetings with the Observatory for young publishers and curricular and extra-curricular projects related to the different addresses. Previously, e-twinnig projects have been implemented for the enhancement of excellence, interacting between different cultures and lifestyles, through the enhancement of communication in a foreign language between institutions in different countries.


School :












Country :












Collection of pictures from mobility in Italy














City : Naples



Torre del Greco





FRANCE, Martinique

Our school hosts more than 1400 students from all social backgrounds and employs 200 teachers. It is located in the capital of Martinique, Fort-de- France.
Our high school students can specialize in :

- Math and physics

- Math and biology

- Literature and foreign languages

- Management

- lab studies

- domestic economics

- tourism

- business

- engineering

One of the priorities of our administration is to open our students to different ways of life from all over the world and to develop partnerships with foreign countries. This is a necessity for us as we are an island far away from Europe with a specific history and can easily be isolated from the outside world.
That is why we make it a priority to improve our students’ understanding of foreign languages and cultures, to allow them to see the world from an optimistic perspective, to carry out collaborative projects that foster friendship and peaceful links between countries. We have hosted students from different European countries and the USA
and have sent our students in foreign schools on exchange programmes for a limited period of time. For example, we had a partnership with a Washington DCschool and our students work on collaborative projects with schools in in Chicago. Students from the Czech Republic spent one term in our school last year and our students are returning from a term in the Czech Republic. We also want to create difference in our education to motivate the students and prepare them for the future with new innovative creative methods combining with digital area.
We strongly believe that collaborative projects with sports and arts can contribute to sharing our different cultures and developing long-lasting links.Our teachers are enthusiastic and ready to put their skills at our disposal.
For example, our project manager can make all the IT ressources available to help us create innovative productions.
The majority of teachers have good conversational English and are willing to improve their practice of the English language together with discovering other languagues.
Our staff is strongly aware of the necessity to develop long-lasting links with partners from all over the world in order to develop self-confidence in our students.The teachers involved in the project specialise in foreign languages, physical education, drawing, painting, history, geography, economics, sciences, literature, movie-making...
Our Administration boasts an excellent reputation on the island and can easily offer links with other institutions. For example, contact with our university, museums, organisations, vocational schools, local authorities...


  1. Video presentation


  2. Lycée de Bellevue


  3. Martinique towns
    Martinique tow

  4. Fort-de-France


  5. Martiniquan famous women





Lokman Hekim Anatolian High School is located in the central district of Adana Province.
There are 52 staff and 733 students in our institution.
Our institution consists of students with low or medium socio-economic level and has a multicultural structure. Our institution is involved in many activities such as history, sports, environment, animal rights, music, literature and technology.
Scientific activities in our institution are 4006 TUBITAK science fairs ,coding workshop, youth projects, Erasmus +K229, K201 and K101 projects also etwinnig projects are organized. Besides raising students in our institution in line with the basic educational objectives ,which also takes into account the education policies envisaged by the EU and the Council of Europe, our institution follows all the innovation required by the new age to support the students during their life. Our projects are generally related to innovation, creativity, digital area, technology usage, coding, stem..
Vision: It is an educational institution with a modern and dynamic structure that adds value to the Turkish Education System.
Our institution has received a national and European quality award and has been invited to become an Etwinning institution. Because all our projects and works are displayed in etwinning and there are many teachers having and using their accounts actively. And we aim to share and disseminate all knowledge and experiences we have gained due to our projects with other regional, national and international institutions. Based on formal, informal and non-formal activities, our methodology is to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for reflecting, working and learning. as institution we want to involve in;
• interactive lessons
• team-building and team-working
• best practice case-studies
• multimedia and web resources
• project based working
• brainstorming and focus-group
• role-play
.acquiring effective and good practice methods and tools
.getting inspired by best practices on how enhancing students entrepreneurial skills, motivation, participation and learning
.fostering the collaboration, partnership and exchange of experiences and ideas between European schools, teachers and school professionals.
• self and group assessment and evaluation.


“Zinca Golescu" High School in Pitesti was established in 1921 as the Secondary girls' school. Having 95 years of experience in providing education for young learners, our school has achieved a high level of acknowledgment in the region. Our high school provides general education,under the careful attention and guidance of 82 highly qualified teachers, for 1313 even if most of our students are aged 14 to 19 years old, that is 1184, there are also 129 younger students from 10 to 14.
The college offers many profiles for high school students such as: mathematics-informatics, natural sciences, philology and social sciences. The students can also study in the English bilingual programme or the intensive mathematics-informatics profiles which allow them to study about 6 classes of English/ Informatics weekly. Part of them choose to continue the university studies in other European countries.
What is more, our aim is to provide the school with quality development and internationalization which can be done by means of cooperating in multinational contexts under European funded programs. Thus, we are proud to mention that we have some experience due to the collaboration with Peace Corps Volunteers, participation of 11 teachers in training courses abroad, participation as a partner school in "Open minds! Open Europe! Together we make better!” Comenius multilateral project(2013-2015), “CAN and HELP” ACES bilateral Romanian-Bulgarian project (2015 – 2016) and “Career Based Opportunities” Erasmus+ KA2 (2017-2019).What is more, as a coordinator, our high school ranan Erasmus+ KA1 teachers' mobility project called " Innovative approach of the institutional activity'' dealing with the improvement of teamwork skills and teaching strategies of CLIL in English.
-There are also several extracurricular activities implemented by our school in order to develop students’ communicative, teamwork, leadership, creative, IT and entrepreneurial skills as well as to keep them up to date to all the demands of the labour market.
- We provide high standard education which is why our students get high marks in the school leaving examination and in the admission tests of prestigious universities, not only in Romania, but also in such countries as England, Germany, Netherlands, France.
- The high school is centrally located, at the very heart of Pitesti, which is the residence city of Arges county, in the south-eastern part of Romania. Our students come from all walks of life; some of them live in the countryside which is why they either commute to school or rent a flat in the city as the high school does not have a hostel.
- There are no refugees or Roma families, but we have an extremely limited number of special needs students who have a legal certificate proving it.
- There are several optional informatics and Englishcoursesin our school as students prove a real interest in these fields which are in keeping with the latest requirements of the labour market

  • Romania : country presentation










































The 6th General High School of Ilion is located in the municipality of Ilion.
The school has 30 teachers and 300 students.
Our organization participates in environmental and career education programs.There is also a theatrical group that produces a theatrical performance every year.
At school there is an argument team and a movie club.We are part of the network against school bullying. Finally we were part of the program of the House of Teenagers and the European Youth Parliament.One professor of sociology, three professors of philology and one professor of economics involves in the program. Teachers have conducted environmental and cultural education programs. They have been trained in classroom management and bullying issues.
The teachers are members of the teachers training community (eTwinning) and participate in seminars of eTwinning.With the rapid advancement of technology and the changing paradigm of the education system, where the emphasis is placed on the student as a starting point, it is very important to understand the concept of digital competencies. It is even more important to adopt the same as the development of digital competencies is not a complete process that ceases to be mastered. They are not purpose itself, but a tool that should enable access to quality, reliable information, enable multilevel interaction among participants in communication. The development of digital competencies is a prerequisite for solving everyday tasks and problems in an individual's life.By participating in this project, we will further strengthen our digital competencies, which we will implement into our curriculum.Communication skills, information literacy, ability to cope with new situations, and day-to-day problems are all difficult and almost impossible without a good foundation that has its starting point in developing digital competencies and improving existing ones.
It is very important, at an early age, to teach students the safe and reliable use of modern technologies for upbringing and education, because having digital competences of a certain
level means and behaving responsibly in both their environment and the virtual environment. Digital competencies should always be a tool for achieving purpose in terms of positive communication, research, socially-oriented activism, and in connecting individuals and groups through various activities that always have the purpose of realizing the potential that individuals or groups of students and teachers have.
With the help of technological infrastructure, which will enable preconditions for the development of digital competences, education and acquisition of new knowledge, we will significantly improve the quality of education in our school.

Our Country – Greece 1


Our Country - Greece 2












our city- ilion - our school 6th lyceum of ilion


Presentation of our school














Let’s take a look at our city



Primary school dr. Franjo Tuđman in Knin has a primary role in children's education. The staff includes the headmaster, employees in the administrative and technical sector, primary and middle-years teachers as well as professional service. There are 315 students divided into 22 classes. There are 45 teachers and 4 induction mentors among them. The school is well equipped with the school facilities and teaching tools. The IT classroom is also well equipped with computers and projectors.
So far, we have been a part of EU projects carried by the Šibenik-Knin county. We wish to take part in projects with different countries in order to acquire knowledge and experience regarding culture, ways of living and work so that we could become a more open, curious and tolerant place. Croatia has been carrying out an education reform in which our school has been included. The tasks and goals which we need to achieve are of technical nature and we are in need of constant improvement in order to adapt to the contemporary teaching methods and make our teaching process as interesting and better as possible.
Primary school dr. Franjo TuÄ‘man is involved in the project “E-schools” which is carried out in the whole country. The project includes teaching scenarios with digital content and tools that can be implemented into the teaching process. E-laboratory is a part of Carnet’s project and serves the purpose of finding information about the tools, systems and apps useful for e-learning. Loomen is a system available in the whole country and contains online courses regarding the tools used in the teaching process. Our school has been using the e-register book which is the part of the same project. The members of our school are willing to be a part of a digitally literate school and include the digital technologies, which are a necessity in the 21st century, into the teaching process. We firmly believe that we are ready to take part in this project in order to share our knowledge and experience, as well as to learn from others and enhance our competencies. The experiences we have relate to professional development through the E-School project, Loomen, and the Carnet project e-dnevnik (e-class book). Through these projects we have come to know the different applications we use in teaching. Some of these tools are: H5P, Classtools, Worldwall, Quizlet, Quizizz, Kahoot, Powton - video presentation, Prezi, Edmondo - social network for children, programming tools - Scratch, Python. A reform of education is currently ongoing in the Republic of Croatia, which aims to turn most of the material into digital form, equip teachers with laptops and students with tablets. By participating in this project, we will further strengthen our digital competencies, which we will implement into our curriculum.

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